Think you are seeing two llamas of differing
heights? Think again. While we're not saying one llama is blue and one
is white...or one is gold and one is that dress...what we
are saying is that both llamas are exactly the same size.
an optical illusion" stated Dr. Rafe McPherson of Wills Eye Hospital in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "It's like when our cones and rods can't
distinguish what colour that godawful looking dress is which is making
the rounds on the Internet. Whatever colour it is, you can rest assured
it's still an ugly dress. The llamas, on the other hand, are quite the
opthalmological enigma. They look different in size because of the
perspective of the camera. They are, pretty much, give or take an inch
or two, the exact same size."
(Llamas - exactly the same height.)