07 February 2014

Day 7: Hint Hint

Today's challenge over at "We Work for Cheese" is "Hint Hint"...and, this is going to be a very short blog...in a way.
Some of you might have the same problem I have...and that's trying to draw readers over to your blog.  I get happy when people say they've read it...and incredibly ecstatic when someone takes the time to comment...and I've always told everyone, "I live for comments...good, bad, or anonymous.  Hint hint."
So...ummmm...hint hint.
I initially started writing a blog for The Montgomery Advertiser back in March 2006 - hoping they would notice my "brilliance" as a writer (or at least my "above mediocre" ability) and hire me.  It didn't work. The previous executive editor even called me in to talk to her for a whopping two hours...but that's all I have to say about that in public.  All the same, feel free to write them/him (as they have a new editor) and who knows, perhaps with the right nudging they might call me back in and give me that shot after all (and, yes, I'm serious).
Anyway, here's a sprinkling of some of my previous blogs, a "Top Ten List" if you will. Some are silly, some are sad, and some are just the early morning ramblings of a woman who takes her Ambien way too late and fancies herself a writer.

I don't ask that you read all of them...that would be ridiculous -- just pick whichever title strikes a chord...or choose your favourite number from 1-10...and go with that one. Oh...and leave me a comment. 
Again, hint hint.  :)

(I apologize in advance for some of these not having the photo that I yanked off the Internet for insertion into my blog...apparently someone yanked them.  If I went in and redid my blog with a new photo, it would take me 40 minutes per blog to add all the HTML code to make the spacing correct as it always screws up the spacing and fonts when I edit...so I left them without images.  It even managed to mess up the link colours.  Why?  I don't know!  Blogger is indeed maddening. )


  1. I agree with you about comments. It's what we live for. Forget those drive-by readers or those who "like" your post on Facebook. I want a dialogue. You;\'d thin I had a communicable disease or something.

    I read your Viagra…vating post. Hilarious. And I tell you if I get an erection that lasts 4 hours or more the last person I'm gonna call is my doctor.

  2. Thanks for reading, Dufus. :)

  3. Oh, do you want us to read your posts and write comments? ;)

  4. Yeah. :) I didn't say you had to read all of them. :)

  5. Unfortunately during this challenge, it is hard to read and comment on everyone's posts. It is a huge time commitment that I try to own. I did go and read your Halloween post and it was very nicely written but also sad. I hope that when the time comes around this year, that you can make it a better day.

  6. I'm off to read all of those I didn't read in their original appearances!

  7. You are very brave. You might have read some already. :) But thank you.

  8. It's not always easy 'making the rounds' and we try to do what we can but life often gets in the way. I always like that these challenges force me to make time to visit fellow bloggers, but I often feel guilty for not visiting those who don't participate but who are dear friends.

  9. This is an awesome way for google to see good links too! I will check one out... The potato one has caught my interest!

  10. It's not always easy to find the time to read and comment on everyone's posts, but I do try to always leave a comment when I've read a post.

    Your Viagra post was great, and it was hilarious how many spam comments you had on that one. Ironic, but not surprising, given the subject of the post. ;)

  11. Yeah, I really have to go back in and set that thing so it doesn't allow the spam ones. Oh well.

  12. Comments are the best kind of validation a blogger can receive. They indicate that somebody actully took the time to consider your words. Hint taken, Mariann.

  13. Thank you, everyone. And it's not like I was chiding any of you...it was just an "in general" comment. I have quite a few friends and I have to basically strong arm them into going over and reading my blogs. My son refuses to read them...my daughter used to put up a fight...but, reluctantly, would relent.

    I see some people get tons of comments to their mundane, boring as anything blogs that pretty much say, "Hey, my cat pooped on my car!" and 157 people would comment. How do you do that? I'm thinking they are all family...or she has photos of people in compromising positions. Or a combo.

    Anyway...thank you all for tolerating me.

  14. I always wondered about those "cat poop" comments, myself. I've found that few of the people I actually know read my blog. But that's okay... I've had so much fun "conversing" with the people who do read it. Much better to have a few somewhat-loyal followers that a kazillion "followers" who sign in but never come back.

  15. Always fun to look back on some old posts and share them, isn't it?
