08 April 2012

Day 8: A Stranger

This is now Day 8 in Ziva's "30 Days of Photographs II" non-contest. Seems it was just last week we started...time flies when you are hoping you can take a worthy photograph. It is harder than it looks and with all the choices out there...choosing one and sticking to it...is a challenge in discipline alone.

With that said...the other participants (and I have kept leaving poor Ziva herself off each time) are as follows: MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen, Katherine, and Ziva.

The theme for today is "A stranger". I thought about this one for a while...and given the fact Day 8 falls on this very special day, my interpretation reflected that. I also was going to alter the image some on Photoshop, but I liked how the low light gave a bit of an ethereal look to it (at least to me) so I left it as originally photographed.

Day 8: A Stranger...

On this special day...do not let Jesus be a stranger to you.

Happy Easter, everyone!


  1. I was wondering if anyone would do something like this for today's theme.. Turns out you did, and you did it beautifully. You did a great job on this one, Mariann, and I like that you didn't edit the image, but left it untouched.

  2. I'm glad you left it alone. The ethereal quality shines through.

    Happy Easter.

  3. It's always a challenge whether to touch up the photo or not. I didn't realize how much until this meme. I think your choice not to touch up the photo was the right call here.

  4. I agree - the image with it's low light is just perfect for your theme.

  5. Thank you everyone. I thought the cross leaning against the back of one my my chairs made it more dramatic...so that's what I did. It gave it more one of those "sacred relics only taken out twice a year" type of things if you ask me. Too bad the wood colour didn't turn out the dark it was - but I did like the light effect so that's how it stayed. There's also a lot of dust on the cross...but I thought it gave it dimension...so that stayed as well.

  6. He really is a stranger to many of us, isn't he? Well thought out presentation. Well done.

  7. OH MY GOSH. I was thinking of doing something like this but just didn't feel I could get it right. Yours is PERFECT... I got chills, literally, reading what you wrote. BEAUTIFUL. HAPPY EASTER!

  8. Clever idea, very apt. Happy Easter to you too.

  9. Thank you again for all your kind words. I was kind of hesitant to do a religious one...not everyone shares the same religion - or are religious and I realize that. I am not the most religious of all people, but since it was Easter and I did think many people do not know Jesus - both in the religious sense and the fact there is a great deal of his life which went undocumented...I thought it was appropriate.

    I am glad the image was liked by so many people. I am not at all, by any means, a photographer...but I believe the theme concept here was more to make us think...and to sometimes think out of the box. I think I think out of the box too much sometimes.

    I would love to have the equipment and the knowledge in order to do beautiful photography...but I am more words person (at least I think so) but I have enjoyed seeing everyone's photographs even if I have not commented on everyones. There are a couple people, like Mike and um - well a couple others who I cannot comment on no matter how hard I try. I am very sorry I cannot. But I have loved everyone's photos so far...well, with the exception of Mike's. ;)

  10. You may not like my photos, but I'm best friends with Christ, and he's a little upset with you right now for that stuff you did and didn't do. You know what He means.

    Nice photo, Mariann, and so appropriate to both the theme and the day. I wish I'd thought of something similar, but not everybody can have good ideas. I like the glow the photo's got.

  11. P.S. -- Try commenting again, and let me check my spam folder for it. Mo had that problem yesterday.

  12. i love this. So appropriate. I almost did something similar.. but my post was different. so I'm glad I didn't. Yours is better. so much better.

  13. Great Job! And Happy belated Easter
