07 April 2012

Day 7: Mirror (30 Days of Photographs)

We are now at the first week mark at Ziva's "30 Days of Photographs" non-contest contest. The rules with the upcoming themes can be found by clicking her name above.

There are some very talented people showcasing their talent...please be sure to check out how they view their theme from their own eye. Their "eyes" can be found here: MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Mariann, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen, Pam and Katherine.

Day 7: Mirror

My interpretation of today's theme of "Mirror" was instantly formed in my head when I ran down the list when the words were first announced.

I chose Leonardo da Vinci for one obvious reason: He would write his notes in mirror text (he wrote them backwards...but they could be read easily if you put a mirror up to them)...and while I didn't have a great mirror at hand, I did have a recent article about da Vinci which attributes his "Vitruvian Man" drawing to another artist who supposedly had that idea beforehand. (It's always much easier to challenge the dead when they cannot answer inquiries.)

I also liked the way the backwards/forwards text of the article's title, "The Other Man" showed up...and I think it's an incredible stroke of pure ironic luck this paired extremely well with the "dual men" in this photo. I just wish I owned a better camera...and a better mirror. I'd be a whole different mirror image of myself had my mirror not been so incredibly bad. ;)


  1. I love it. Seriously. My favorite so far. Great Job!

  2. Ah, you're looking at the Other Man in the Mirror. Got it. :)

  3. Actually, I really like the mirror you used for this. The colour of its frame is not that far from the colour of Da Vinci's drawing. Very nice, Mariann.

  4. I am fascinated that this is the first thing that popped into your head when you saw the word mirror. I'm glad it did, because I really like this photo. Good job!

  5. Thank you, everyone. I still hate it that it gets obscured by the right task bar -- I clicked on it and it doesn't show the photo enlarged any. Anyway...know it looks better without that black bar screwing up the rest of the photo. :)

  6. Oh, I just realized...as time goes by and they get bumped lower down the screen, the bar isn't there and they will be shown in their entirety. You guys just have to come back later and see them all over again! :) Oh, yeah...and comment again...as I LOVE comments! :)

  7. I am blown away that this is what came to mind for you when you saw Mirror as a topic!! Wow!! Love this idea and your photo!

  8. You are very clever. My mind just catapulted through a series of backflips and it has left me feeling dizzy and a trifle inadequate.

  9. This is exactly the kind of shot I'd hoped some bookie would post. Inspired selection for the image. Really great shot.

  10. You have the most fascinating mind, Mariann, I love it! And the photo, too. ;)

  11. The other man, eh? What's been on your mind lately?

  12. Hey, the 1980s called. It wants its makeup mirror back.

    Seriously, this was a great idea. I've long been fascinated with everything Leonardo, and have even practiced writing like he did. I don't know why I didn't think of this. Probably because I'm an idiot, or you're a genius.

  13. You know, Mike, I'm not sure - but it might have been the 1970s that called. I was wanting so much for just a square mirror without any frame. But, hey, when you are kinda whacked on Ambien and have to improvise - at least I was able to have two stable things that weren't moving around. I tell you - the hand steadiness I possess would not allow me to be a surgeon. ;)

    No other men - but I think it was a really good title - considering I didn't make it up. Thank you Smithsonian Magazine. :)
