10 February 2014

Day 10: Zombies

"Zombies" is the prompt today, Day 10 of "30 Minus 2 Days of Writing" at "We Work for Cheese" -- do check out some of the other writers who are participating.  But first...read (and listen to) this:

I'm watching the Olympics...so, I'm going to spare you all with a made up zombie story.  Please know that had I done one, it would have been awesome.  

I'll just post a song up by Philadelphia band, "The Hooters".  Yes, their name pre-dates the restaurant chain "Hooters" - in case you were thinking they called their band that just to get more notoriety.  They didn't.  They did, however, probably name it after a euphemism for "boobies" -- because who doesn't like boobies?   But I don't know this for certain and I'm not gonna Google.
Below is their song, "All You Zombies" which I remember from time to time (not to be confused with "Time After Time" - see below) and it always brings back happy memories of my youth. They were a fantastic group and I loved them.  Philadelphia radio station, WMMR, also loved them, and would play their stuff all the time back in the '80s (along with Peter Gabriel, whom I love the best, who disc jokey, Pierre Robert, nicknamed "The Patron Saint of Rock & Roll").  Yeah, I loved this radio station growing up. 

"The Hooters" were even the opening act in Philadelphia for the US portion of the "Live Aid" concert...which was a rather big event in 1985...and I still have my T-shirt to prove it (yes, I just dug through all my stuff and threw it on for this photo, again sans make-up).  This, by the way, is as close to a "hooters" shot as I'll ever have on the Internet (I hope).

But why "The Hooters" never got more famous than they did is beyond me.  Group member Rob Hyman also won a Grammy for co-writing "Time After Time" with Cyndi Lauper, whose version of that song is probably best remembered.

Here they are singing "All You Zombies".  I hope you enjoy it...and let me know if you ever heard of them (as I'm curious); they had quite a few songs which MTV would play "back in the day".

Anyway...back to watching the Olympics for me...until my Ambien kicks in and then I really turn into a zombie. 



  1. I remember the Hooters. I have a CD or two by them. I don't recall this song. And I had totally forgotten about music fashion from the 80s - those clothes and that hair. The 60s and 70s were more to my liking. And there were fewer - if any - songs about Zombies in those decades.

  2. I don't remember those Hooters, however, I am going to remember yours. And since that Flappy Bird game is going away, I'm going to suggest they take a cue from you and create Flappy Boobs.

  3. Ha! Dufus...there was that 1960s group "The Zombies" - so while there might not been songs about them...there was that group, which did have some hit records. :)

    I'm glad to know someone has heard of them. I saw them in a concert in Trenton...or Ewing (which is kinda like an outskirt of Trenton) back before hey became "moderately" famous. They had some catchy tunes. And...I liked 1980s clothes and hair! :)

  4. Ah, I've heard that song but I don't think I knew much about the group.

    It's a Zombie kind of day around here.

  5. Time after Time... I BELT that out in the car the few times I hear it! LOVE it!

  6. I think if you lived outside of Philadelphia and that area you probably didn't hear too much of them...or maybe you did, that's why I was curious.

    The Hooters had a version of it they recorded before Cyndi did...but Cyndi's is better. Another bopping song from them is "And We Danced" - that one's fun. :)

    Thanks, Paula! :)

  7. Nope, never heard of them before now. I can't say it's much of a surprise, either, since I wasn't born until 1985. ;)

  8. I was born in the 1980's, but I can't say that I've ever heard of the Hooters. Then again, I've always been kind of oblivious to music from the 80's. I'm digging the Live Aid shirt, though.
