07 February 2013


I hate texting.

I hate everything about it.

I hate the abbreviations people use.

I hate the time it takes me to reply to a text.

I hate the noise my phone makes when I receive a text.

I hate the people walking around seemingly unaware of anything going on except the phone in their hands.

I hate sitting in doctors' offices and watching all the people texting back and forth in their little bubbles never looking up.

I hate the fact that I got called two times today from a "text to land line" comedy club in California like I'm going to actually go all the way there to catch an act...seeing that I live in ALABAMA!

I hate all those people driving around texting, putting me and everyone else in danger because they feel compelled to read - and text back as soon as humanly possible...because heaven knows keying in a reply is worth more than anyone's life.

Most of all, I hate the fact I am guilty of actually doing that last one.

Stop Texts - Stop Wrecks

(This is Day 7 of Nicky and Mike's "30 Minus 2 Days of Writing" non-contest contest over at "We Work For Cheese". Today's prompt was "Texting". Please check out the other blogs over there...but ignore all the ones on the list which were posted before mine...and after. Yes...do that. ;) That would be a good thing to do.)


  1. You know what else I hate? I hate that my blogger program does not give me the normal sized text anymore. Either it's tiny like this - or gigantic. There's no "normal" sized anymore - even when I go into the html code and add it - it doesn't do it.

    I also hate the fact I have to keep adding manual space breaks and then each time I change something - it takes them all out again. But sometimes it doesn't - so I never know if it does - until I hit the repost button and recheck. Ugh.

    I have to try it NOT on aol tomorrow - maybe it's an aol issue.

    1. Even in WordPress, I have similar issues with font sizing and line breaks. I know there are ways to specifically code what you want in particular instances, but sometimes I wish it would all just come together more intuitively.

      But on the topic of text messaging, I have a great appreciation for your list of complaints. I have similar qualms about the whole damned texting process, but I do also have to admit that I am guilty of nearly every offense you mention above.

  2. Ge, the only texts I ever get are from the bloody phone company.

  3. I like texting myself. It's how I keep in contact with my wife when she's at work. She works at a place where I can't call her. So as much as you hate it, I like it...but yeah, those people driving and texting, sheesh, I hate them. ;)

  4. I hate the fact that the companies charge for it when it costs them nothing to transmit the tiny data.

  5. I'm just baffled by the fact that Bryan texts himself. ;)

    Sorry, I had to. You set it up nicely. :)

  6. I have been known to text at a stoplight...guilty.
    I like to text with my kids and hubby as that is sometimes the only way to reach them.

  7. Oops, I was just going to send you a text, but I'm glad I read this first. ;)

  8. Many of my friends could attest to this, but I am one of the most vocal people about texting and driving. Especially if I am in the car and people are doing it. I flip out. I've been known to hand my phone to somebody and ask them to read what it is. Or, normally, I'll wait until I'm stopped to look at anything. Never understood the whole texting/driving thing. Nothing is that important. If it is, I've always figured it's easy enough to pull over somewhere.

  9. You stop that texting while driving! Bad grrrl. Or you could end up the late Ms. Simms. ;0)

    1. No no - I've only done it like twice. It's stupid. I don't need to reply to anyone that quickly.

  10. "I hate the people walking around seemingly unaware of anything going on except the phone in their hands."

    I was nearly killed in PetSmart not an hour ago by a woman who was texting and carting. (I just made that up.) She nearly nailed me with her buggy. I would have been like an opossum squashed there next to the dog treats. Thank God, I had just put my phone back in my purse after I answered that last text. I spotted her coming and dove for cover.

  11. That last one is a very important one, indeed. I'm guessing you have a love/hate relationship with texting?

    1. No - it's only a hate.

      I tried to do it a couple times while driving - straight driving...no curves...no real traffic...but it's a stupid idea. Nothing is worth the instant reply back vs paying attention whilst driving. It's stupid.

      I've been known to pull over into store parking lots or a side street and talk on the phone. I'm not a texter. If people think they can do this as they play video games so well and they have great hand/eye coordination...they are fooling themselves. No life is worth it.

  12. Ha ha you are driving the football field!!!

    I am guilty of looking down at my phone while walking. If I forget my phone it makes me crazy... but then I end up happy to be naked without it!

  13. I'm calling Oprah and tell her that you are texting and driving. You are in so much trouble!

  14. I've walked into people in the hallways at work, but managed to avoid texting while driving. Except once, and I learned my lesson about how dangerous that can be without hurting anybody. Thank God.

  15. I have felt the feeling of dread after realizing Katherine - I left my phone at home...but then realizing that if I was in some situation where I had to call up someone...everyone has a cell phone. Someone would be bound to let me use theirs.

    Malisa - You have Oprah's phone number? I am in awe.

    Mike - You've actually walked into people? I've never done that...probably because I don't like to text. I've done the texting in a car maybe two times...all the time at a stop light - but then the light would change as I'm so slow texting. But still, it's stupid - and I don't do it anymore. I'm glad no one was hurt in your lesson. I wish everyone would have a wake up call like that. I had one like that when I was about 17 or 18 with drinking and driving. I have never once drank and gotten behind the wheel. Not even a half glass of wine. I refuse to do it...putting anyone in jeopardy because I'm stupid and selfish and couldn't pass on the alcohol if I was the driver - is insanity. That's why pretty much all of my drinking is done at home. I don't have to drive home afterwards. I survive - and everyone else does, too.

  16. Hmmmm...sorry Katherine - don't know why your name ended up in the middle of my sentence like that when I put it in the front - but I'm not going to copy/paste/do over. I think it will be okay. :)

  17. Hey Mariann! I used to get told off for doing the last one, though often they had to shout to get my attention. Indigo
