29 April 2012

Day 29: Lines

On top of my piano is some sort of sailor or rescuer - a bronze statue with the lights where the flowers are done by Emile Bruchon. I found out what he was called one day - but I have long forgot.

The only reason he fits into this theme is because he is carrying a line attached to a life-saving ring. You can't see if very well...one is in one hand...the other is - in the other.  In fact...he doesn't even look like a statue - more like a painting - but again, I can assure you he is all statue.

I liked this shot because somehow he got all surreal and was lit up with colours that are not on the statue. He is bronze, after all. But there's all shades of colours - and trust me...they aren't there. In fact, he is rather a dark colour - but he looks very pale in this shot.  Because of that - we left him stay in all his technicolour majesty.

So, that's my photo for "lines"...the oddest thing I could think of - and I know I'm running late. It was the camera's fault - it would not let me take more than one photo at a time. Very frustrating.

Day 29 -- Lines

(The metronone serves no purpose in this shot - I took it away in subsequent shots but those didn't have him all peacock-shaded.)

Please also check out the work of my fellow non-contestants...and don't forget to thank Ziva for coming up with this idea...


  1. The lines of the statue itself qualify this for the prompt. Everything has lines. These are all elegant, as is the statue. I'm glad your best shot included the metronome with all its lines and angles.

    This may be my favorite of all your photos.

    1. I totally agree with Cheryl!

    2. Yes, I think it's also my favorite, although I'd need to go back and look at some of the others. It's really nice.

    3. It's probably just a pretty statue is all. :)

  2. I particularly like how the plant is wrapped around his...well...you know. ;)

  3. I was actually the model for that statue. Of course I was much younger then.

    1. Whatever, I was the model for that metronome. Of course, I was much younger then...

    2. Whatever. I was the model for that piano. Of course, I was much younger then...

  4. Wonderful shot and story of a very cool statue!!

  5. This is a wonderful photo, Mariann, the curves and lines of the statue make it perfect for the theme. And I even like the metronome, it's a nice little extra in the corner. ;)

  6. This is definitely thinking outside the box. Nicely done!

  7. I seriously love that statue, Mariann, and the photo of it is excellent. Is it valuable? It's very unusual, and beautiful designed. That it lights up is a major bonus.

    1. You can Google it, Mike. :)

      I really do like the hydrangea lights - it looks really nice in person. Much nicer than the photo turned out.

  8. A really great shot, Mariann - I love the statue itself and the shadows that you caught behind it. And the metronome just add a bit of contrast with its own lines for the theme.


  9. Well if you guys all like the contrasting metronome - then who am I to argue. :) I'm going to put it back there right now.

  10. That is a beautiful statue! Check out that loin cloth. Hubba hubba. Seriously, the statue is exquisite. Do you know the age of it or the background?

  11. It is a sculpture by Emile Bruchon - who, according to stuff on Google, was active from 1880-1910 (he died in 1910). He was a French artist - but other than that - not much. Seems his stuff isn't astronomically priced (too bad). My mother had this one for years and years - and while some of them are now copies and fakes (made in China and whatnot) - I am nearly 100% certain this one is real. But even with it being real - it probably wouldn't fetch more than $600-$1000. It's a shame - it's absolutely gorgeous. Certainly looks a lot more expensive than the value. But, hey, maybe one day everyone will want one and there won't be very many to go around and it will be worth $50,000! :)

    I also found online that he had some stuff for Tiffany & Co. Whether he worked there - or whether that's just a fake one - I haven't a clue. I found this one online once - so I know it exists - I just forgot what the name of it was.

    My mother was very fond of antiques - and I love them as well. I have many things here which are moderately priced - Google helps - as many drawings and stuff are by real artists - unfortunately, again, nothing like missing Rembrandts or Rubens. Dammit. She was from Belgium - she ought to have one lying around somewhere, right???

    1. Oh yeah...considering it is a very old piece and light bulbs were kinda newish...I have yet to uncover one of those (the hydrangeas seem to be pretty much form fitted to the bulbs) bulbs - to see just how old it is. I'm sure there's a way to get them off to change the bulbs - but I've never done it. It does work - I don't have it plugged in or anything.

      I am sure the lightbulbs have been replaced - but it would be nifty if the bulbs were also really super old, too. :)

  12. I think this is an EXCELLENT take on lines... very very neat....!!!

  13. Cool statue! This was a fun theme because people came up with such different ideas. Yours is unique! I would never have thought of it and those are always my favorite.
