25 April 2012

Day 25: The Future

I was going to slap some sunglasses on, snap a few...and then talk about that "My future's so bright...I gotta wear shades" song. But that idea, while holding some merit in my head, was pretty stupid.  That being said, someone here probably used that idea and now I just stuck my foot in my mouth...and I'm not that nimble anymore, so you damn well better be impressed.

I also don't take photos of my kids and put them on the Internet, so the future as being my kids...was right out.

But first, let's get to Ziva's "30 Days of Photographs II" non-contest and all the other people who have been devoted or crazy enough to go thru this process every day. A sense of photographical (is that a word) accomplishment has been made by these fine, alibeit insane, people:

MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen, Katherine, and, last -- but definitely not least, Ziva.

Day 25 --  The Future:

Now, the only other thing I thought about were those 1950s sci-fi films...and this flashlight-like thingy that I bought a couple years ago. Each time I look at it, it reminds me of "The War of the Words" (the original version -- don't even make go there...there is no remake...there's only the one). Specifically speaking, it reminds me of the all-seeing scary "eye on a stalk" alien drone which was in the movie. So, I did my best to set it up all nicely and took a few photos, hoping one would convey a nostalgic futuristic slant on things.

So, there you have it...my retro-futuristic flashlight. I think even HG Wells himself might like it -- especially if it were dark.


  1. That thing is very cool. Nice shot. I remember that song. The title's become an iconic phrase, hasn't it. I'll bet Timbuk3 never knew the future held that for their song.

    1. Nope...I bet you are right on that one. :)

    2. I wasn't going to put the glasses on myself, but yes, I thought of using that as a theme. It's interesting how during these 30 days, we often think of the day's theme in song...at least, I know I do.

  2. That is a cool shot. Makes me think of "Big Brother is watching you."

  3. Cool shot and a bit creepy to think about since the drones are out there already.

    (Kudos for not posting your kids' photos here. I don't post photos of any kids I know and I've only posted a shot of my husband once because he was cool with it and it mattered.)

  4. I love your retro-futuristic flashlight! Very cool.

  5. Please don't hate me now, but I've never seen the movie.. I love the photo, though!

    1. Just don't watch the remake. Also, if you have never seen "The Day the Earth Stood Still"...do NOT watch the remake. The original is one of the best movies ever. Why they felt compelled to redo it - is beyond me.

  6. I think that's a brilliant photo and it probably sums up the shapes I think of when I think of 'future'.

  7. Great photo, Mariann. I did see the original "War of the Worlds" - it scared the bejeezus out of me (I was rather young and impressionable at the time, though).


  8. That's really cool and it does look like it belongs in that movie! Nicely done, Mariann!

  9. Glad you guys liked it. I thought it turned out pretty well considering I know nothing about photography. I took a sheet of gold stiffish paper that my daughter had for doing some school project she's doing and used that as the background and kinda curved it around it. Of course I was all wonky on Ambien...and originally my son was going to hold it still - but we managed to get it so it stood up on its own by bending the "snake" portion of it...and then I put a weight on everything to make it stay put.

  10. Hah! I actually took a photo of myself with the sunglasses, hoping I could reference the song. But I rejected the picture, probably because it has me in it.

    Great minds, Mariann......

    1. That is too funny. I'd like to see it anyway.

      I almost took one of me - but I'd have had to put make-up on - and I said "screw it"...let's go with the eye-light.

  11. That scene SCARES ME!! When it is looking in on them and they don't know it, then they turn and it is there. AHHHH!

  12. So very War of the Worlds. But yeah, the future probably has something to do with an all seeing eye. And it's name is going to be Google.

  13. That is a little frightening. I would hate to have that thing in my house. I would be afraid that the one big eye would follow my every movement! Very futuristic!

  14. That is a little frightening. I would hate to have that thing in my house. I would be afraid that the one big eye would follow my every movement! Very futuristic!

  15. The thing I did last nite - which was stupid as all get out - was I looked at it with the light turned off and then thought..."okay, now I'll press the button and see if it's better with the light on" - and then, without looking away, I turned the light on.

    Let me tell you - this little puppy is THE brightest flashlight I have ever had - it's like an intense little halogen light. Considering I have used this thing a zillion times, you'd figure I would know NOT to do that. I was blinded for a good 20 minutes.

    I am indeed an idiot. BTW - it looked much better off.
