21 April 2012

Day 21: Moon

I have a friend who is a photographer and I asked him a couple weeks ago when the best time of day it was to get a photo. He told me it was between 5:00-6:00 a.m. So, the other day I'm going out to get the previous day's mail (I sleep strange hours) and I noticed the moon was out and it was between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. I went back inside the house and took my allotted five to seven photos before my camera battery loses its charge and I walked back inside satisfied one of them might be in focus.
I wanted to show the moon against a background of antiquated ugliness...i.e., the power lines that stretch across what would otherwise be a really nice view of the moon. Sure, I could move a foot or two over and the lines wouldn't be in the photo - but then again I wouldn't be able to show how friggen ugly my obstructed view of the sky was.
But, before I get any further along in my story and max out my 250 word limit (ssssh...I only count the stuff BELOW the photo in my word count)...go on over to these "30 Days of Photography II" participants and see what they came up with for todays theme (ugh...because Blogger.com screwed up formatting today and auto-upgraded me...I cannot get the "auto-linker" to link without doing them all manually again, and honestly, I'm still sick...so, please go here to see a list/link to each person:  Ziva's Inferno

Day 21:  Moon...

So...I knew today was "moon day" and I went into my little camera card to fetch a photo out and I'm scrolling thru the approximately one-half million shots of kitties and ferrets and glasses of Martinis...when I ran across one which caught my eye. It was the one I took from inside my house on "From an Ant's Perspective" day.
I think there is a moon in the photo - and because I took it totally by accident, I thought it would be nifty to post it up. I didn't crop the photo or anything - because I wanted the moon to be shown in my "totally by accident" shot. You know, kind of like how they managed to get a man up on the moon...totally by accident (or, for people who totally disbelieve the whole "moon-landing" thing because I saw the space capsule they used in one of their early moon missions at NASA's Space Camp in Huntsville...and there's no way in hell -- other than in a MacGyver episode, that seven rolls of tin foil, a radio from a 1968 VW, and an Erector Set missing some key pieces -- made it all the way to the moon and back).


  1. I found it! At first glance there appeared to be no moon. But I found it. Nice shot.

    1. It is kinda like one of those "Where's Waldo?" photos. So, you think it's a moon, too, right?

      Then it's settled - it's officially the moon. :)

  2. Saw it right away. When Blogger auto-updated me, I lost my mind AGAIN. I didn't lose my links but auto-posting isn't working and that really pisses me off. Hanging around until 8:00 to post is annoying when I could be off doing better things like watching birds or anything other than waiting to push PUBLISH!

    I'm mutinying and posting when I get up.

    1. Well, the whole thing was laid out differently. I hated it. I keep saying I have to go and copy each of my blogs and put them in a file or something - because maybe three of them are really good.

      The time-poster worked for me - it's just before, when I copy/pasted the line of text with all your blog links in it - it kept them active...well, all it did was copy/paste your names - no links. That was special.

      I see it also decided to remove my line breaks between my paragraphs as well. Friggen idiots!

    2. Oh yeah, sorry - forgot to mention...but when you see something that now looks totally alien to you - I mean, they changed it ALL up...and you are wonky on Ambien to start with - you really don't want to get inside the belly of the beast and start supposing that is that this click does and that's the button to do "that". So I just left it all alone.

  3. I see the moon! That is a nice shot. I think I see a tiny little hot wheels car on the surface of the moon...

  4. Found it, found it! Or maybe that's a piece of cheese, I'm not sure.. Either way, it's a lovely photo. I'm sorry blogger made a mess, and I really hope you're feeling better now. :)

    1. Thank you, Ziva. I'm off to go crawl back into bed for a bit. Glad the moon is able to be seen. I was going to Photoshop it and make it stand out more - but I opted against doing that.

  5. I also searched through photos to find a moon, but didn't find one. But I love this accidental moon, and the leaves in the foreground are special.

  6. I also searched through photos to find a moon, but didn't find one. But I love this accidental moon, and the leaves in the foreground are special.

  7. It's like Where's Waldo?, but with the moon. I feel for you, Mariann. The moon, it turns out, is extremely difficult to photograph. Who knew? At least you tried, and that's what counts in this challenge. It's a challenge because it's challenging, not because it's easy.

    1. Yeah - well anyone can get a moon on purpose. Sheesh! The types of people I have to deal with on here, I tell ya!

  8. Happy accident, huh? Now, if you could just get one of the holes in the leaves to line up with the moon...

    1. Hey - the leaf is kinda pointing to it - like in one of those Indiana Jones-type of treasure map movies. What more do you want for an accident? ;)

  9. I suck at those Where's Waldo things. All the chaos makes my OCD kick in and I can't look at the page long enough to find him. This picture, however, is not chaotic and my OCD didn't kick in.

    But I still didn't find the moon. :-(

    1. Awww, I'm sorry, Nicky. I was going to Photoshop it with the contrast really bringing the moon out - but then it would have looked like I purposely brought the moon out.

      Okay - you see where the "S" shaped area of the open sky is (the pine trees kinda do a zig-zag of sorts in the middle with their branches) - it's also pretty much in the middle of the screen (a little more bottom than exact center)? And then you see that middle clump of leaves in the foreground? There one leaf (the one that sticks out to the right) - which is kinda directly "pointing" to the moon. Just follow where it's pointing about a half an inch (or whatever it is on your screen - maybe all screens are different dimensions) -- and there it is. :)

  10. "I'm scrolling thru the approximately one-half million shots of kitties and ferrets and glasses of Martinis."

    AHAHHAHAHhahahHAHahhHha That made me laugh, out loud, a lot! I have the same situation over here!

    1. Always gotta take a photo of my Martini. ;) Well, not always...but you know - if I make a fancy one I never tried. :)

  11. I see it I see it I see it!

  12. I'm with Meleah - Seriously ... laughing at your description. but trying to be sympathetic :)

  13. Sorry, I'm late getting around to commenting today, but bottom line, it MORE THAN works. Nope, not just works, but more than works. :) Very nice job...again.

  14. Definitely the moon in that shot. Nice one!

  15. Whew - I'm glad most people found it - and thought it was pretty nifty. :) Sometimes I wonder if it's just me. Nice to know there's a few, perhaps a little like me...out there. :)

  16. I finally spied it! It was like Where's Waldo but in a fun way not in an obsessive way! :)
