02 April 2012

Day 2: Architecture

This is "Day 2" in Ziva's "30 Days of Photographs II" non-contest. All information about the contest can be found by clicking the link above.

The theme today is "Architecture". Again, me, with my crappy camera which doesn't hold a charge, piddled around the house for three minutes at a time a few times today. I tried to find the link to a set of architectural wooden blocks I have as I was going to set up a magnificent artsy shot of those...but I didn't know what to call them as I don't know where the box or the instructions are. They are quite old and they aren't a toy...so all my Googling led to me giving up and going with my first choice (plus I was missing one of the shapes). Not sure how many others will have done the same idea as I did -- I'm thinking at least one other participant will have.

With that said, here are the other participants (my photo and little caption are directly following):

MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl and Kristen

As Ariadne once said, "Oh what a tangled web we weave..." as she was admiring the architectural ability of a spider as it diligently wove its web in order to exist another day...only to dismantle it, strand by strand, in the morning. Like Sisyphus with the boulder, a spider might seem tasked to a repetitive futile existence...but the gossamer beauty which exists, however fleeting, is simply stunning. This eight-legged wonder should have a place among those "Seven Wonders" as the feat it does is not only astonishing but also strong enough to stand the test of time. The tensile strength of spider silk is greater than five times the same weight of steel...so it's nothing to sneeze at...especially if you are walking thru a web the same time you are sneezing.

(Whilst Ariadne never uttered that quote...I have full artistic license when I write my silly blog and I used it.)


  1. I have never seen a web as big as that, or as magnificent. In an ideal world the spider would have made a web over your wooden blocks but...nevermind ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very interesting interpretation of today's theme. I never would have thought of that. Well done. I shudder to think how frickin' big that spider is!

  4. The spider is actually in the middle of the web, where the sun is shining thru so you can't easily see it. I tried to make the image smaller to get in all the beauty of the web..but alas, it was too much to ask Blogger and I ended up with this. Oh well...at least all the links worked. :)

  5. Oh wow, that is one very impressive spider web... I have no idea how you were brave enough to actually stand under the thing to take the photo! I'm glad you did, though, because it's a great photo indeed, and absolutely perfect for the theme. :)

  6. I'm glad to see some of the participants thought outside of the box with architecture and didn't just have churches or buildings (like me :( ). I wish I had been so creative. Very nicely done...

  7. That is a beautiful spiderweb. Really an incredible work of art. Nicely done, Mariann!

  8. Lovely interpretation of the theme! I don't do spiders and that one looks huge! I do like to watch them build their webs, though, they are true marvels.

  9. Beautiful web and I love the creativity of your thinking on this one!

  10. I'm totally creeped out. I hate spiders. But I have to admit that you're take on the theme is very original, and beautiful. Beautiful in a creepy way. Like really creepy. Please don't send me a print of this. God, I hate spiders.

  11. I hate spiders too, but that is an unbelievably awesome web. And I love your interpretation on this theme. Great job, woman!

  12. Girl, you need to sweep your trees! You have spider webs up there. Did you know that? I would like to think that you are a better housekeeper than that. Get your broom. Get out there! Seriously, I'm glad you couldn't find your blocks and decided to take this shot. It is great! Nature's magnificent architecture.

  13. I have a love/hate relationship with those creepy-ass fascinating insects. Excellent angle on the theme.

  14. I'd have gone with this in a heartbeat if it were warmer here & the creepy crawlers were about. Nice addition.

  15. Thank you, everyone for your lovely comments.

    I am sorry that I cannot comment at everyone's blogs. I think I must be doing it wrong or something. I also hope I didn't leave off any links. It was much easier to "copy/paste" them from Ziva's blog than I originally thought.

    The spiders are always out here it seems...I'm in Alabama...they don't go away much at all. In fact, I don't think they do.

  16. A spider web! How original! I also love your write-up for this theme.


  17. Thank you! I honestly figured at least one other person would have picked spider. I'm off to see how many people brought out the magnifying glass for the "Ant's Perspective" one. :)
