19 April 2012

Day 19: White

I feel so crappy still. I am sick. My temperature at this minute is 101.8. My day revolves around trying not to feel sick. But more about that later.

First off...go look at my fellow non-contestants...and don't forget to thank Ziva for coming up with this idea...

Day 19: White

I knew this theme was going to be harder than the others. I was tempted to take a photo of my white cat on top of my white car with the blaring white halogen light bathing them both with an unnatural kind of glow...but I used her yesterday and I didn't want to do two cat photos in a row because Mike would be mean to me again. So, I decided to take some tissues, Ambien and Tylenol and create a little depiction of how I feel.

Yes, it sucks...but I feel so much more sucky. :(


  1. Good news! Your fever isn't affecting your sense of humor! That made me laugh!

  2. I agree with Nora. Still laughing.

    I prefer this to than another cat shot because it's your current reality.

    HEAL, dammit, HEAL!

  3. Sometimes I'm not too observant. Initially I only saw the tissues and not the face "you" were making with the addition of the pills. Then when I saw it, like Nora and Cheryl, I couldn't help but laugh. However, I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Yuck. Nice of you to save those used tissues and share them with us. By the way, you're looking kinda pale.

    Meanwhile, let's try again to leave a comment. Second time's the charm.

  5. Hah, I think I still prefer the self-portrait you used for Time, but I have to admit, this was pretty funny. ;) I really hope you feel better soon, Mariann.

  6. This, too, made me laugh, but not because your ill, of course. Get better soon.


  7. Excellent. Too bad you're producing so much used Kleenex, but still a great idea.

  8. Perfect idea! Glad you can still find something funny in the snot rags. Hope that you feel better soon!

  9. I love what you've done with your hair...

  10. Awwwww... you poor thing! But that photo is PERFECT for today's theme.

    I really hope you feel better soon.

  11. Okay, okay...those were clean tissues that I wadded up and then stuck into my robe's pocket for future useage.

    I don't have the "nose" anymore as I just swallowed it. Yeah, going to crawl back into bed for a couple hours.

    Glad you guys thought it was funny. Wasn't sure if you were going to think it was so incredibly stupid that the even wasting "digital film" on it - was sacrilege.

    I still cannot comment to like the first four people on the list - and I think I can't comment to Bryan's anymore, either.

    I see your pain with commenting on mine - it's making ME do it now as well. You got me why. These things are so stupid. I wonder if there's a prompt that says I can turn the CAPTCHA thingy off.

  12. How clever and who in the world has a half on an ambien? Can you get by on half an ambien? However, I love your photo. I like the creativity of it. How original to think of snot rags, tylenol and blessed ambien for a self-portrait? Feel better!

  13. To get the word verification off of your blog, go to your blog settings and then go to comments and posts and take this sucker off! Hint hint. :)

  14. Oooh - I will try, Malisa. I know blogger keeps telling me to upgrade and I'm afraid if I do it will eat all my previous posts, so I don't.

    Sometimes I take 1/2 an Ambien to sleep for a little bit. Or an extra half to sleep more. They've stuck me on 20 mg of Ambien a nite and that doesn't really last four hours - so this sucks.

  15. I changed a couple things - let's see what monster I created. :)

    Thanks for the removal location of the CAPTCHA's - I wouldn't have found it otherwise. :)

    1. I am hoping everyone can see the "Reply" thingy after each post. I can see it. I also see a "Delete" but maybe that's just for me to see.

  16. I think you looked happier in that other picture.
