16 March 2007

Total Recalls

By now you've probably all read or heard about the recall of certain canned/foil pouch dog and cat food which can cause kidney failure in your pets. The whole list of companies/products involved isn't going to be released until 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, but Eukanuba and Iams have already listed which of their products are included in the recall. If you haven't read about it yet, it can be found here: cat/dog food recalled list - the itemized list is not up there yet...but will be...in the meantime there is this: Eukanuba/Iams list .

Now, you don't have to wait until you hear these things from a friend or on the news, you can subscribe to the recalls and have them sent to you, via email, automatically. Don't worry, they aren't going to clog up your inbox...they don't send out that many...and when you think about it...if it can save your life or the life of someone you know, isn't it worth it? I've been doing this now for about five or so years...you would be amazed at the things that you never ever hear about that are recalled...and some actually are life-threatening...or can make you very sick...especially if you have a food allergy. You can go here...
FDA Recalls to subscribe and/or to view a whole list of archived recalled items or here... Government Recalls if you want to get on a product recall email list as well as the food/medicine items...you know, when they recall child seats, power tools, clothing (yes, they do recall them sometimes), and other products. It's individually broken out so you can choose which you want to subscribe to.

Perhaps this will save a few lives...or a few visits to the emergency room...and you have the added benefit of automatic notification and being able to peruse the lists at your convenience.


  1. I work for PETCO, we took this very seriously as soon as we heard and removed any related product from the shelves as a precaution as a safety measure for animals. I posted PETCO's information on my own blog as well:

  2. Well, I am glad you (PETCO) acted swiftly...that is why I tried to stress the importance of getting the recalls sent to people directly via email...(instead of finding out about it a day later or perhaps not at all) especially if they have known food allergies...there is always something being recalled due to wheat, eggs, another allergen, etc., being in the product but not shown in the ingredients...and for some people it can cause much distress.

    I'm also glad to see this widespread information about the cat/dog food being generated in the news as quickly as it was...pet food has been recalled in the past but I've never seen this type of press about it...and for a lot of people, their animal IS their "child"...so it is an important bit of knowledge to get out there.
