26 October 2006

The Basic Instinct To Not Attempt To Do Much Of Anything

I was going to write an extremely interesting blog the other day...oh it would have been my best, I'm sure...but I've had this stabbing ice-pick headache that has decided to take up residence in my brain the last couple days. Hopefully it will vacate the premises any time now...of course that scintillatingly brilliant blog idea of mine is lost forever...but I'm sure I can muster up something next time. :)


  1. Golly, Ms. E, I hope that your headache doesn't last long. It's terrible when something just goes on for too long, isn't it? You didn't describe it enough for me to quite get what you mean. Do you have a headache that feels like an ice pick is being jabbed into your head, or do you have the kind of headache that ice picks get? I'm confused.

  2. "Ms. E", huh? Hmmmm...

    They are in my head...I have no idea what pain an ice pick feels...if an ice pick can feel pain. Now I am thinking about woodchucks. Here is a site that talks about them - altho I've had them where they've just jabbed a couple times and the longest one I've had was about 3 months. Usually they last 2-3 days when I get them...stabs coming anywhere from several a minute to once every 5-10 minutes. They are not fun...that's all I know.

